Archive for the ‘Updates’ Category

Thank you Rob Stewart

February 5, 2017

Some very sad news to report about one of the ocean’s strongest and most passionate advocates, Rob Stewart. He died last week while exploring the depths off the Florida Keys.

Pearson College Marine Science students did have the chance to meet and hear Rob Stewart speak when he came to Victoria five years ago, in February 2012. See photo below and link.

Group with RS

Article in Globe and Mail by Paul Watson.

Article in Outside on ‘What happened to Rob Stewart?’

His courage and dedication to conserving marine organisms and ecosystems will live on in his films and all of the people that he inspired. Thank you Rob!

Updates from year 38 marine scientists

June 6, 2013

Good news from Laas about the leader of the iron enrichment project off Haida Gwaii last year: Haida terminate ocean fertilization proponent Russ George

A very exciting website for an NGO, one of the very, very few, which attempts to conserve the coral reefs in the Red Sea from Mohamed.

And a fun video from Jon dating back to our sea lion necropsy: