Posts Tagged ‘Chum salmon’

Goldstream salmon run 2014

November 19, 2014


It was time for the annual migration of Pearson College Marine Science students to Goldstream again – the 3 first year classes went on Monday 3 November, Tuesday 4 November and Wednesday 5 November. We went to observe the chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) spawning in the Goldstream River.

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Emil camera

Ruli camera

On Tuesday we watched a young aboriginal man scoop newly arrived chum salmon out of the river and pile them into a big grey bin.

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C block

F block

D block

My second year Biology students were so keen to see the spawning salmon that I also took them to Goldstream on Friday 14 November, when there were many more dead salmon. Sorry to say that I only have photos of the dead salmon, not of the Biology class!

Dead salmon

Dead on rockSalmon bones

Salmon watchers are particularly interested in this cohort of chum salmon as many of them would have been hatching from their eggs in April 2011 when there was a significant fuel spill into the Goldstream River.

Goldstream salmon run 2013

November 25, 2013

On Wednesday 6 November (A block) and Thursday 7 November (D block) first year Marine Science students had the opportunity to observe spawning chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) at Goldstream Provincial Park.Swimming salmon

D observing

We saw many live salmon, swimming & spawning, and many dead & decaying salmon.

Dead salmon2

Decaying salmon

There were also many gulls watching this incredible event…

Standing gull

Standing gull2

Some gulls were swimming along side the salmon…

Swimming salmon and gull

and many gulls were diving for salmon eggs.

Diving gull

A class photo A Block

D class photo D Block

D dead salmon

Awa in glasses

Thanks to Alfredo, Camille vG and Tyleisha for photos!

Goldstream salmon run 2012

November 6, 2012

Yesterday and today, first year marine scientists traveled to Goldstream Provincial Park to observe the spawning salmon.

It seems to be quite a good year for chum returns – lots of salmon! And lots of gulls feeding on dead salmon and on salmon eggs.

We also observed maggots amongst the gill filaments, under the operculum…

I had a significant realization while at Goldstream today… given that the average life span for chum salmon is four years, most of the salmon that are currently spawning at Goldstream would have come from the eggs and sperm spawned during the season when I took the very first cohort of Pearson College Marine Science students (Year 35) on this same field trip!

Full circle life cycle.