Posts Tagged ‘class photo’

The 10th cohort of marine scientists write their IB exam

May 3, 2019

I just realized that once this group of 40 students have completed Paper 2 of their IB exam (one hour from now!), there will be 10 year groups of marine scientists educated at Pearson College! All part of my master plan to spread the word far and wide about the importance of understanding and protecting the ocean. Congratulations year 44 Marine Science students and remember that what you have learned will always be in your hearts!


Year 44 marine scientists


Pre-exam yoga (the sea lion pose!)


Lara, Elisabeth, Theo


Lining up to write Paper 1

IB exam 2017

April 28, 2017

Year 42 MarSciA new format this year for the Marine Science exam saw students writing paper 1 yesterday afternoon then they reconvened this morning for paper 2.

Congratulations marine scientists of year 42!!  I know marine science will always be in your heart and you all have a special place in my heart.

Link to more photos…

IB exam 2016

April 30, 2016

Thirty-six Year 41 Marine Science students (the biggest cohort ever!) wrote their IB examination yesterday. The first IB exam of the season may be over, but I am confident that marine science will always be in the hearts of these students!

Warm wishes for much future success to all of you! And please do keep in touch.

Last class for year 41 Marine Science

April 27, 2016

A blockEven though we weren’t able to get to Race Rocks for our last class because Second Nature is in the shop being repaired, year 41 marine scientists had a wonderful end to their two year experience.

C block

G block

With each class, we did an excursion to the Navy buoy then to the Pedder Bay marina for ice cream.

Ice cream

See more photos of our last day.

IB exam 2015

April 30, 2015

Year 40 Marine Scientists

As I post this, the 23 marine scientists pictured above are completing their two year multimodal experience in Marine Science by writing paper 2 of their IB examination in the caf.

Congratulations to all and thanks for many wonderful adventures!

IB exam 2014

May 2, 2014

Year 39 IBGetting ready

Congratulations year 39 marine scientists!

P.S.  Thanks to Nazim for the photos with taken with a fish-eye lens (very Marine Science-y!).

IB exam 2013

April 30, 2013

IB MS 2013

IB MS 2013 line up

Year 38 Marine Science students are currently all in the dining hall, writing paper 2 of their IB exam.  They were confident before and happy after completing paper 1 and I suspect they will also be quite happy when it is all over and we are celebrating with ice cream!

Great job Karam, Helen, Ben, Christopher, Jon, Mohamed, Eliott, Suizhi; Jessica, Ariana, Vuochly, Gabbie, Sammy, Ela, Laas, Théa, Lucas, Susanna; Angela, Amanda, Felicia, José, Mariana, Miguel, Rikka, Sergio!!

IB exam 2012

April 30, 2012

Today was the big day for second year marine scientists…  they wrote the final exam after two years of studying marine ecosystems and processes.  For the most part they seem very happy and are relieved to be finished with the first IB exam of the season.

Students were particularly happy with the brain food between papers – see James foraging for fish in the foreground below.